Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Pay’N Pak located?

Pay’N Pak is located at 15615 North Newport Highway, Mead, WA 99021 (physical address).

Mailing address:
Pay'N Pak
PO Box 579
Mead, WA 99021

What are the office hours?

Monday - Saturday from 9 am to 5 pm.

Am I required to store long-term?

Store with us short or long-term. We offer flexible month-to-month leases.

How do I pay my storage bill?

Pay your storage bill online using a debit or credit card or with a direct deposit directly from your bank account.

What security features do you offer?

Our facility offers digital video cameras, is fully fenced, and gated with electronic entry.

What items am I not allowed to store?

Tenants are never allowed to store flammable or hazardous items, plants, animals, perishables, stolen, or illegal goods. Contact us if you have questions about a specific item.

How do I rent a unit?

Rent a unit online or in-person at the office. Be sure to have an idea of what you plan to store so that we can help you find the best unit size.